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5 Chat GPT Productivity Prompts That Can Cut Your Workload In Half | Raghukulholidays

5 Chat GPT Productivity Prompts That Can Cut Your Workload In Half

 I can't access ChatGPT directly, but I can share some general productivity prompts that might help you streamline your workload:

1. Prioritize ruthlessly:

  • Prompt: "Create a prioritized to-do list for today. Identify the 3 most important tasks that MUST be completed and schedule time blocks for them in my calendar."

2. Tame your inbox:

  • Prompt: "Craft a template email response for low-priority inquiries, politely directing them to relevant resources or offering to answer in a future email if needed."

3. Batch similar tasks:

  • Prompt: "Identify all emails requiring responses and dedicate a specific time block to answer them all in one sitting."

4. Delegate or automate:

  • Prompt: "Review my current tasks. Can any be delegated to a colleague or automated using a specific tool?"

5. Combat perfectionism:

  • Prompt: "For each task on my list, define a 'good enough' completion point that allows me to move on without getting bogged down in unnecessary details."

Remember, these are just starting points. Feel free to adapt them to your specific workflow and needs.

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