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Why are so many young people getting cancer | Raghukulholidays


Why are so many young people getting cancer

That's a complex question researchers are still trying to answer definitively. Here's what we know so far:

It is happening: There's an increase in "early-onset" cancers, diagnosed in adults under 50 [Nature].

Possible causes are varied: It's likely a combination of factors, including:

Lifestyle: Obesity, diet, and exercise habits may play a role [Time].
Environmental factors: Exposure to pollutants is being investigated [Time].

Social factors: Delayed childbearing and social determinants of health like access to healthcare are areas of study [Nature].

Earlier detection: Increased screening might be finding more cases, but it doesn't fully explain the rise [Nature].

Biological factors: Faster cellular aging and the gut microbiome are emerging areas of exploration [Medical News Today].

Researchers are also looking at long-term health trends of people born decades ago to see if there are clues [Nature].Overall, it's an active area of research, and there's no single answer yet.

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